What is this?

I never thought about the spiritual aspects of giving my kids a bath or standing in a line at a grocery store. However, God has recently showed me some insightful biblical truths in some of the most mundane tasks in life. Whether I am driving, showering or sleeping each of these activities has a biblical truth tucked inside of it. In the forest of life, God’s biblical truth is inside each one of these trees. My hope is that others view the ordinary aspects of life through a spiritual lens and see what God teaches you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Busy Time of Year!

Santa picture source

Thanks to online shopping I have officially finished my Christmas shopping. It seems like every year I do more and more shopping online. I used to love going shopping during Christmas time, rushing from store to store looking for the best deals with sales ads in one hand and lists in the other. However, with 2 small children this pastime is in the dust and I get my thrill experience through online shopping instead. This year as I navigated online, I came across a service that buys your groceries for you and delivers them to your front porch for a handsome fee.  I began to dream how nice would it be not to go to the store with small children and just input my quantities online and have them shipped to me.  Online shopping has made it so easy not to have to leave the house. I mean, with WebMD who needs to visit the doctor? LOL.  We can now buy groceries and clothes, pay bills, get our prescriptions all without leaving our home.  This lifestyle has also transferred into our spiritual life as well. With church podcasts, worship music on from our favorite radio station or apps, and social media, we feel the experience of attending church without having to leave our home. With our weekends being busy with Christmas parties and shopping, this slight change in how we “attend” church seems reasonable.
I have been guilty of this as well. I have found ways to justify when I miss attending church especially during the holidays. I am just too busy right now….I have a tough week…..When things slow down…… The irony is that we blame the busyness of the season and overlook the reason of the season.  Then, I am reminded of a scripture and four small words and the power they hold.  Luke 4:16 “He (being Jesus) went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.”  As was his custom? Jesus made it point to attend church regularly?  Why would the man that knows it all do this?  What could He possibly gain from attending church? Now, I am not going to take the time to explain why Jesus did it, but if we want to be “transformed into His image” this would be an easy place to start.  The only busyness this holiday season should have is the busyness of worship.

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